The Briarlea off Gorge Tel: (506) 857-8866 Fax: (506)388-3992 Email:
The Briarlea on Ryan Tel: (506) 204-1099 Fax: (506) 204-6900 Email:
What is the difference between level 2, 3B, 3G, 3A?
A level 2 resident is considered cognitively well, and overall physically fit. Residents might need assistance with their daily task of living, such as meals, housekeeping, medication administration, some personal care. Some residents might still be quite independant; they might even still drive their cars and have the ability to come and go as they please. While others might no longer have the ability or the desire to live at home by themselves; they might be lonely at home, or maybe the layout of their home has become a risk to them, or maybe the day to day responsibilities have become overwhelming to manage. Supervision and prompting may be needed; early confusion could be present, but it is not considered advanced. Level 2 is often the entry level for most residents; staffing ratio is 6:1
A level 3G (Generalist Care) resident is considered overall cognitively well, but physically frail. Physically, the resident requires more supervision and assistance with their daily tasks of living than what you would normally see in a level 2. They might be considered a high fall risk, or might not be comfortable walking long distances, or maybe there is a combination of medical conditions that require additional attention. They might need the assistance of 1 person to get in/out of bed, while walking, transferring, etc; they are still considered mobile however. Level 3 clients receive a 3:1 staffing ratio, which ensures they have additional time for their growing needs. Level 3G residents can have some mild or early dementia/confusion; it is not considered advanced or dominant in their assessment. It falls under "pleasantly confused", but not disruptive to others.
A level 3B (Memory Care) resident is considered having advanced dementia; they might also be physically frail, or they could be very mobile and physically fit too. Their dementia is the key dominating component in their assessment, and exceeds being considered "pleasantly confused". Their dementia-related behaviors may be considered mal-adaptive/disruptive at times. Residents might wander, have strong exit seeking urges, they might demonstrate some aggression/resistance, they might have involuntary or obsessive behaviors that cannot be corrected (going into other people's rooms, collecting items that do not belong to them, not easily redirected, shouting/crying, etc). In a smaller setting, with the appropriate level of attention and supervision, these dementia-related behaviors can be soothed and minimized. Residents living with dementia need a soothing environment, consistency, extra attention/time, compassion, patience, and understanding. A resident must be able to walk with a 1-person assist or better; non-ambulatory or 2-person assists would be considered a 3A.
A level 3A resident is considered non-ambulatory; they often are unable to walk, or they require a 2-person assist to transfer/walk. They might have a combination of complex medical conditions, resulting in a 3A assessment. This level is designated for Nursing Home placement only. Residents are assessed as needing 24/7 nursing care. If a client is assessed as a 3A, they will not be able to explore a Specialized Care Home. If a client entered a Specialized Care Home under another level, they might deteriorate to become a 3A client. With the appropriate approvals, they might be able to remain in their home of choice under the "Aging in Home" process. This may be explored on an individual basis.
Once I have chosen The Briarlea, what is the next step?
You might have visited many homes in order to identify the perfect option for your family. If you have selected The Briarlea, please notify us for information on our room availability. We might have a room available at this time, or add you to our waiting list. To ensure placement when a room becomes available, please make sure you have your Social Development assessment completed. This is often a lenghty process and may prevent your from securing a licensed level 2/3 room. Please contact Social Development at 1-833-733-7835 as soon as possible to begin the assessment process. You do not require a Social Development assessment for an assisted-living apartment or a private room. An assessment is however required in order to occupy a licensed bed.
What is the process for those on a waiting list?
An interested candidate is usually put on a waiting list because they have a need and desire for a room, however, a room is not always available at the time requested. A waiting list is very fluid; most people have their names on a few waiting list. Others might have visited our home previously and are simply planning ahead for themselves or their loved ones, therefore have requested to be put on a waiting list. Some might not be fully assessed, or they might want to spend their last summer or holiday at home, so they aren't ready when the call is made to them; some might have progressed to another level or have already been placed. The sad reality is that rooms do become available quite regularly; many reasons make our list ever-changing and fluid. Also, our waiting list is not a sequenced list, which means you are not "third" on the list and waiting for three vacancies for your turn. When a room becomes available, we contact everyone that has expressed interest. When a candidate puts a deposit on the room, the room will be secured for their loved one.
Are residents able to stay at The Briarlea as their needs increase, or through the end-of-life stages?
Our compassionate staff and medical personnel work closely with outside medical services, who assist us in providing palliative care services in order for residents to remain within the loving environment they have grown comfortable in and familiar with. Our home offers assisted-living apartments, level 2 rooms, levels 3B (Memory Care), and level 3G (Physical Frailty) room, as well as palliative care services. This is very reassuring to both residents and their families; as their needs increase, they will hopefully be able to stay in their home of choice, with their friends and family, without needing to change homes. This reduces the need for additional life-changing adjustments or stress on our already fragile residents. The ultimate goal is to remain in our home through out progressive care levels until end of life; however, some exceptions may occur.
How much subsidy will my mom/dad receive towards their care?
When a client is assessed by Social Development, they will need to grant Social Development with permission to access their Income/T4 information through Revenue Canada. The subsidy qualification will be based on the client's individual income. The government's subsidy is intended to top up the income up to the maximum subsidy.
The maximum subsidy qualification for level 2 is 3667.64$, with the minimum subsidy being 1325.56$. Anyone making over 2342$ per month will be considered Private Pay according to Social Development, but they will still receive the minimum subsidy.
The maximum subsidy qualification for level 3 is 5978.08$, with the minimum subsidy being 3318.50$. Anyone making over 2659$ per month will be considered Private Pay according to Social Development, but they will still receive the minimum subsidy.
Everyone receives at least the minimum subsidy in their respective levels, regardless of their income; the minimum subsidy is technically the government's contribution towards employee wages, using the client ID once a bed is filled. To minimize the confusion, operators include the wage subsidy in the rental fee, as this amount is listed on the Notification of Financial Subsidy Form sent to the client after placement. Therefore, all clients will receive at least the minimum subsidy towards their care, but could potentially receive more, depending on their income, up to the maximum subsidy in their respective levels.
To determine your loved one's approximate subsidy qualification, use the following formula "Maximum subsidy minus net monthly income". If the formula brings you below the minimum amount for your level, you will be bumped up to the minimum amount, as everyone receives the minimum subsidy in their respective level.
Once you determine how much subsidy your family will receive, you simply deduct this subsidy amount from the care home's monthly rent. The rent varies per care home, bases on the various services offered. The formula "Monthly rent minus subsidy" will determine how much money will come out of your loved one's account each month. If this balance is greater than his/her income, you might need to utilize another source of income for the balance, such as savings, support from children, or other investments/liquidation of assets. For further details on how to calculate the subsidy, please feel free to contact us. We will gladly review this with you, as we fully understand that this part can be confusing and overwhelming for many!
Are Relief Care Services, or temporary care services, available?
Maybe you are recuperating from surgery or an illness... or maybe you need temporary support while you regain your strength? Your family might also need temporary assistance with your care while they travel or deal with other personal commitments? The Briarlea can tailor their services to assist you. Your daily rate includes all meals prepared by certified chefs; medication administration; full personal care; regular exercise programs/activities; regular monitoring from our in-house Doctor, the LPN, and our caring staff; customized care plans. The Briarlea does offer Releif Care rooms, but these are limited. Please contact us to inquire.
What types of services do you provided to your residents?
Whether our residents want the morning paper and a coffee delivered to their room each morning, services from our in house hair dresser, regular foot care specialist services, or a special menu request, making our residents feel at home is our number one priority. In addition to our high standard of personal hygiene, bedrooms are cleaned daily and bathrooms at least twice daily (more as needed). The Briarlea prides itself in being a fully assisted home; from the moment residents wake up, we are there to assist them in everything they need, from their personal care to moving around the home, to assistance in the dining room, and anything else they may require. We have a full calendar of events, which includes music entertainment, outings, exercise programs, and more. Please see our Key Features and Services for further details.
Can families participate in activities organized by The Briarlea?
We want residents and families to consider The Briarlea as their second home. We encourage our families to take part in any of the events, outings or activities organized by our home. Our home is often bursting with families during special holidays; the more the merrier. We also have transport wheel chairs (lightweight wheelchairs that can easily be folded) and can arrange alternative transportation so that our families can take their loved ones out as well. We have some beautiful sunrooms that families can use for events or while they visit their loved ones. **** The pandemic has definitely impacted our ability to welcome family and friends into our home, including outside musicians and other non-essential services; however, during the pandemic, we continue to focus on our residents' emotional well-being. Luckily for us, our Activity Coordinator is also a musician, therefore we still have music throughout the week! While certain visitors and activities may be restricted, depending on the current phase of our community, we work closely with families, our staff, and our Activity Coordinator, to ensure that our residents are stimulated and having fun! When certain activities are restricted during the Orange/Red phase, these are substituted with other enjoyable activities. Check out our facebook pages regularly to see the many activities we have planned!
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